Exposing The Beast

The prophecies of the Last Days are unfolding before us. Big changes are coming in late 2024 and early 2025, when the Beast of Revelation will materialize. This event will mark the beginning of the Tribulation, when the Saints will be tried, during the final seven year battle between good and evil.

The Beast is the government of the AntiChrist, who himself will later emerge. The Beast exists to do evil, to control and deceive you. Christians know its our DUTY to resist evil, wherever it is found - but when governments are evil, what can we really do? It is said that ONLY GOD can DESTROY the Deep State. Do you believe that? Don’t be shocked. You will soon discover, it’s the Antichrist who WILL destroy the deep state, THEN he will claim to BE God.

What’s coming is Strong Delusion and a great sifting - as described by Jesus in Matthew 24:24 “there shall arise great charismatic leaders, who will persuade and mislead the faithful, to deceive even the very elect.”

I will guess that so far, you were NOT fooled by atheism, or socialism, or the gay/trans thing.... Does that make YOU the elect? Well then, The Beast is comin for YOU, with another wave of Strong Delusion.

But God is merciful. He does NOT want us to fail. So he has given us prophecies, thousands of years ago, that expose the Beast - so you can KNOW what’s coming, and NOT be deceived. The Four Horsemen, Ezras Eagle, and the Book of Revelation. God’s word, punctuated by Signs in the Heavens. They tell us what’s coming next, in 2024, the Election season - when three key events will transpire.

1. Biden goes missing
2. The election falls apart
3. A Coup, by these eagle heads

That is WHEN The Beast takes over.

Dana Coverstone

If you still doubt, let me introduce you to Pastor Dana Coverstone. In the fall of 2020, he was shown a vision, a dream. ANOTHER view of same trigger events seen by the Prophet Ezra. In his own words… (video coverstone)
Dana Coverstone saw the 2024 election, discredited in overt electronic fraud, visible to everyone. But its not intended to flip the election one way or the other – rather its crafted to HANG the election in an artificial stalemate. Biden will just disappear at some point - Gone but “Not Dead Yet,” This leaves Kamala Harris in limbo, while Obama wraps up his Silent Coup. Six weeks later on Dec 17, Biden shows up! Dead - no explanation - no evidence – maybe not even a body. Clearly, a deep state operation. Then Obama devours the candidates, he overrides congress, and declares “this Nation - SHALL NOT STAND.”

This is HOW The Beast will openly subdue America. The Beast is the New World Order, and it belongs to the Antichrist. Obama is the front man. He is the FIRST of These Ten Horns. He will pull DOWN the US government, and announce the New World Order. Which is the Reign of the Beast over the earth.

Ten Horns, Revelation 17

God’s warning about these 10 horns is found in Revelation 17, its on the screen, please pause and read it - or not, I’ll tell you what it says…

Revelation 17:12-18 the ten horns are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. And the ten horns shall hate the whore, make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. The 10 horns will agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast.

Catastrophic events will occur, after which Familiar Faces will emerge to save the world. Ezras Eagle informs us that the First Three of these are politicians – Obama Trump & Hillary. Quickly joined by the rest of the Ten Horns, to govern the New World Tyranny. These ARE kings without a kingdom, NOT subject to nations or borders. These are powerful and influential persons – iconic billionaire globalists – people like Bill Gates, Larry Fink, maybe Klaus Schwabb, each controlling their OWN slice of the Corporate World Government.

No doubt - you’re gonna hate most of these guys. They are the Black Hats. Every good puppet show has villains and heroes. In this one, the Black Hats clearly outnumber the White Hats. But who’s wearing a White Hat? How about Donald Trump, Elon Musk, maybe RFK. These three agree on one thing. They Hate the deep state, just like it says in Revelation 17, and they will not rest… Are they SAYING what you want to hear? Could they be wolves in sheep’s clothing?

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

This is NOT a puppet show. Its your new reality. These Ten Horns - They ALL work for the AntiChrist. Look again at Revelation 17. They GOT this job by agreeing to MERGE their followers into the Beast System, as they build it. Then later they will HAND THEIR FOLLOWERS over to the AntiChrist, when he arrives. The fact that they ALSO get to destroy the Deep State, that’s icing on the cake for them, and it’s Strong Delusion for the Patriots.

Strong Delusion, Blame the Deep State

So what does this mean? Don’t get your hopes up. There’s No GOOD GUY, secretly fighting for YOU. There is No underdog who needs your support. The Ten Horns have ONE mind - to lead the world on its path to destruction, and to draw YOU into the fight, until you are dead, or destitute, exhausted and hopeless – ready to accept the AntiChrist.
So, is the destruction of the Deep State, the work of God, or the work of the Beast?

God answered that question, in Revelation 17 - Whomever promises to destroy the deep state, then delivers on that promise, is of the Ten Horns, and is working for the AntiChrist. That’s a dead giveaway. They WILL expose ALL the secrets, and cast ALL of the blame, and burn them at the stake.

Think of the Colosseum. There WILL be Lions. There WILL be blood. And there WILL be Christians. But this time, a role reversal. The Christians will be cheering in the stands, as the deep state is torn to pieces by the Ten Horns. The smell of Vengeance, a fitting distraction, as Legions Fall, and as Rome Burns.

But how in the world can ANYONE dismantle corruption that runs so deep, throughout governments and institutions. Perhaps we need Authority above the constitution. So when Trump, as one of the three eagle heads, seizes dictatorial power, then uses it to destroy the Deep State, You may suddenly LOVE dictatorship.

No judges. No jury. Just White Hats. Data Dumps. Q-drops, then the mass arrests or midnight raids, with rumors of tribunals at Guantanamo. Trust the Plan.

And pass the popcorn. This IS Bread & Circus. But they ARE evil, and they deserve it, So YOU go along with it… Gleefully… bathing in the vengeance… just a bit longer.

Romans 12:19 Recompense to no man EVIL for EVIL. Avenge NOT yourselves, for it is written, Vengeance is mine.

But, Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. You think you’re helping God, but you’re really working for the New World Order.

Revelation 13:10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

Speaking of us, God said, If you Live by the sword, You’ll die by the sword, disqualified of God’s protection.
So, The job of the 10 horns is to package the lie until you believe it. To get you to compromise, take the bad with the good until you are swallowed up in The Beast. To many, Trump is an Idol… But these are the end times, and EVERY idol will be smashed.

Yet… Under Strong Delusion, many will insist THIS IS God’s work. Are the 10 Horns doing this because they love you? Or because they HATE Tyranny? Nope. They’re wiping out the competition, to consolidate power under the AntiChrist. They’re working FOR the AntiChrist. There will be no resistance. This is the 4th Horseman. The Destruction of the Deep State, and the Devil is still in charge.

The Seven Heads

Ok, so this Beast, its got Horns. And they’re not good. What about the Seven Heads? When you google “Beast with Seven Heads” you get these images. Unfortunately they do not depict what was seen by the prophets. The Seven Heads are with the Beast, but they are NOT attached. They are separate NATIONS, politically controlled by the Beast. So it looks like this (a map).

The Seven Heads described in prophecy are the great military or industrial nations of the earth. Former Empires, each with its own territory, with a president, or king or dictator. The Beast reigns OVER them.

They are shown to Daniel in the form of a LION, an EAGLE, a BEAR, and a four headed LEOPARD. That’s seven heads.
First is THE LION. That represents the United Kingdom. The Lion has Eagles Wings that break off to stand up on their own. That’s America – which is also THE EAGLE seen in vision by Ezra.

Next, Daniel is shown THE BEAR weakened on one side, with three ribs between the teeth. This is Putin’s Russia after the collapse of the USSR. Russia is the Head with the deadly wound. When the New World Order is established, The Bear is commanded to Devour much flesh. This means Russia will soon recover its former territories, plus many nations of Europe and elsewhere.

Then, Daniel is shown THE LEOPARD with 4 heads. These are the four powerful nations of the East. China, allied with Japan, Taiwan and a re-unified Korea. These are the “Four Kings of the East” referred to in Revelation 16:12 the Leopard is China with the territories ceded to it under the New World Order.

Then Daniel sees the Fourth Beast with 10 Horns. And Ezra informs us that the Fourth Beast rises from Within America. America itself is NOT the Beast. America is the Seat of the Beast. The Beast is a parasite or a cancer upon America. It will control America, as it controls the other nations, but it will also systematically destroy America. At some point later, the Seat of the Beast will move to China.

Finally, Revelation 17 v9-10 provide another data point to identify the seven heads. It says “five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short time." At the time the Beast Takes Over, Five of the nations are Former Empires. That’s Britain, Russia, Japan, Korea and Taiwan (the former government of mainland China). The Empire that IS, when the Beast appears is The United States. China will be the Final Empire, as IT becomes the NEXT Seat of the Beast, but for a short time, after America is collapsed by the AntiChrist.

Treaty to Establish the NWO

So, we got the Horns, we got the Heads… How can all of this be held together? The answer is… by Treaty, and I’ll explain how that works.

At the end of 2024, it will be clear that America is on its steep downward path. A financial crash, political upheaval, a false flag, decapitation of the military, and fear of WW3. Suddenly defenseless, the US will RESIGN as the global police force, evacuating our military bases around the world.

A coup will be underway, obviously a massive power grab. The deals have been done, the puppets installed, its time to launch the New World Tyranny and Re-Organize the globe. When the Beast emerges, these 7 HEADS become aligned under a NEW global treaty. It will be painted as a nuclear peace treaty, to stave off WW3. But prophetically, this is the Treaty described in Daniel 9:27

Daniel 9:27 “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease”

…which states that from behind the scenes, the AntiChrist will oversee a seven year TREATY with MANY, referring to the Seven Heads. Then at some point along the way, Obama (working for the AntiChrist) will violate this treaty, and also cause temple worship to be disrupted. Most of Christianity understands the Start of THIS treaty to mark the beginning of the seven year tribulation. Is this a good treaty?

1. No Nukes or Bio Weapons between the major powers – that’s good.
2. It creates the New World Order – that’s bad.
3. Cancel WW3 – that’s good.
4. Permits conventional warfare, within each region – that’s bad.
5. And it removes the nuclear deterrent – that’s really bad.

So is this world peace? Nope. The major powers can’t attack EACH OTHER, but they can propagate as much violence as they like WITHIN their territory. This is how the second horseman kicks into high gear. In the absence of a nuclear deterrent, war and state sponsored terrorism will spread like wildfire, regional wars, holy wars, even kinetic civil wars within nations. These wars will be propagated within each region to crush resistance to the New World Tyranny. All of this to save YOU from the imaginary threat of WW3.

Yet, Many will believe that the Ten Horns and the New World Order has achieved world peace - Its an illusion. This is the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3 “For when they shall say, PEACE and SAFETY; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and THEY SHALL NOT ESCAPE.” In 2025, the purpose of this Treaty is NOT to stop the killing, rather to re-arrange global power - political, military and economic power.

Under this Treaty, the influence of the US will shrink, as the territory and military authority of Russia, China and the UK will expand. The Beast is trading away US global influence. In exchange, The Seven Heads will yield economic control to the Ten Horns, a group of Billionaire Industrialists and Politicians. This is how the Ten Horns in one day, will seize control of the means of production, and the supply chains, immune to laws of ANY nation. This is Socialism on a global scale, under the guise of a Public Private Partnership, to Build Back Better. This is the Corporate World Government. It belongs to the AntiChrist. This is how he will gain control over who can buy or sell.

Who Does What

This all starts with Obama’s Coup to SAVE America, to prevent WW3, and to avert global economic collapse. Its all a charade, but in order to pull it off, he must appear to unify the Nation, with the help of Trump and Hillary to draw you into the Beast System.

So, will these three get along? Absolutely not. There is a hierarchy. Obama’s in charge, succession occurs upon death, to Trump then Hillary. There will be No elections. Obama purpose is to create division, So each of these three will openly run their OWN agenda, doing exactly what they have SAID they will do. Even appearing to be at war with each other. This leaves you and all Americans stuck in the middle. YOU must choose a side. But they will all lead to the same outcome.

Obama will operate the Meat Grinder.
Trump will supply Patriots for the Meat Grinder.
Hillary will build 15-minute detention camps, for everyone else.

But, what about the Civil War? Who is gonna run that? Excellent question. Getting a Civil War started is a lotta work, even harder to keep it going. The perfect person for the job? Why, Kamala Harris of course.
Kamala isn’t winning ANY elections, real or fake. And the 2024 election will go up in flames while Obama seizes power. Then just before Christmas, we find that Biden’s been DEAD all along. Instantly, as Biden’s VP, presidential succession would pass to Kamala.

BUT Obama’s in charge. Continuity of government activated, and THIS is the New World Order. The office of President may no longer exist. But Obama wants everything to look normal, so he will coronate “Chairman Kamala” as the New President, successor to Biden - sometime before Jan 20th. She will be granted dictatorial rule INSIDE the US… at least UNTIL the nation cools down, and elections can be restored. Fat Chance.

Kamala’s Civil War PsyOp

Civil War is brewing. And Kamala knows she cant WIN an election. So do the math. It looks like there will be no end to the Civil War (video. They’re not gonna stop) Kamala is in charge.

Everyone can feel a manufactured three way Civil War is coming. Left vs Right vs the Deep State. Obama Trump and Hillary are the figure heads for this three way civil war, They will provide the rhetoric, but they won’t have to directly instigate the violence. Kamala will take care of that. Here’s the program:

After the false flag, all eyes will still be on NYC, so that’s where Kamala will launch an accelerated stream of antifa street violence - bombings, shootings, arson, lootings – using the media to pin suspicion on the Christians or Jihadis, and sometimes the leftists. Next stop Chicago to expand the program with a twist, gang violence. In NY and Chicago, police will stand down for the crime, as they crack down on the citizens, enforcing curfews, lock downs, and gun confiscations.

Kamala understands how this works. Her job is to grow it, and spread it. Her message to the people – whatever side you’re on, its time to take out the trash.

As Acting President of the US, Kamala is one of the Seven Heads. She is NOT one of the Ten Horns. She is NOT busy destroying the Deep State. She will actually be quite pissed about it, the Deep State getting sliced to ribbons. How is she supposed to BAIT Americans into a Civil War PsyOp without the full time professional staff and resources of the FBI and CIA?

Deep Staters Switch Sides, Infiltrators

But the answer to Kamala’s dilemma is in the scriptures. The book of Revelation. Check the exact language here. it says the 10 Horns will Devour the Whore of Babylon. It says they will make her Desolate and Naked, then Eat Her Flesh? Before She is Burned? Rather strange. What does that mean?

To make the Deep State Naked means that there will be a flood of disclosures. All of the secrets are coming out, and the conspiracy theorists will be proven right about everything. It is trickling out today, but this will become a constant deluge.

To make the Deep State Desolate means that the Black Budget will dry up. This is the clandestine money supply under the control of the three letter agencies. They will be at risk of being dismantled.

After enjoying a life of corruption, when the bad guys see their game is over, many of the worst Deep Staters will jump ship, and switch sides. You have already seen some famous people come forward saying “I was just obeying orders” or “I never knew!” as they whip out ALL of the evidence and documents proving the stuff they NEVER KNEW about.

How will this go for them? Well the Christian Conservative MAGA Trump supporters are suckers for a new Government Whistle Blower. They see a repentant sinner, not a wolf in sheep’s clothing. So we receive them as heroes. Yep, Now they’re one of the good guys. With us. Working for the New World Order, telling all the secrets, betraying the Deep State. They are Cleaning house, right there with the Ten Horns, doing God’s work. Certainly you can trust THEM!

And real soon, some of these guys will show up in YOUR neighborhood, to start a militia - if you’re dumb enough to join it. Yes, the Bible even warns us about infiltrators. No, not Ray Epps, he never did anything wrong. But his evil twin, Billy Bob Epps, coming to your town, to cheerlead for your militia, to lead you straight into the landmines, and into the Belly of The Beast. It will be Jan6 everywhere.

Hillary on the HomeFront

Well if you’re too smart to fall for that one, don’t worry, the Belly of the Beast is coming to you. (prison door opening) Hillary’s 15 minute indoctrination camps - in every town. She calls them Fun Camps (video). Rehabilitation for thought criminals, Trump supporters, and total deprogramming for ANYONE who resists the New World Tyranny.

But this little piece of Utopia is open to everyone. Freedom is overrated. Get safety AND free stuff. Eat bugs, be happy. Get sick? Take the vax. You’ll have nothing, and you wont care. You’re LIVING in Soylent Green. 
Hillary, is one of the Ten Horns. She has Demons, and she RUNS the prison planet.

Ten Horns & Demons

With all of this mind bending insanity, You should ask, why do they hate us so much. Not JUST Christians, but all humans it seems.

Daniel sheds some light on this in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. Babylon America is shown as the legs and feet of the statue, with 10 toes that will trample the world. These are the same as the Ten Horns of the Beast. These 10 toes are made of Iron and Clay. But the Iron and Clay will not mix. Clay is Human, the front men, the persons whom we know as the Ten Horns. But each is backed by Iron. Thats Not Human. Its something rather Demonic.

Here is a Dream by Glenn Beck that sheds quite a bit of light on this situation. (video) He saw the rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places.

Obama’s MeatGrinder

Until the AntiChrist comes forward to take his place, Obama holds the title Ruler of Darkness. He will prove this in the War with Iran. Daniel describes this in Chapter 11 v11-20.

These verses speak of the King of the North, which is the king of Babylon, Obama at this point in prophecy. The King of the South is whatever country Babylon is fighting. That’s Iran. It goes like this:

Iran wakes up one day Very Angry. Why? Because Iran has been blamed for the US false flag attack, and everyone knows that means a US invasion. So the King of the South (Iran) comes forth prepared for war, to Fight Obama. In Obama’s first volley, many ten thousand of US soldiers will fall into Iran’s hands. That means DEAD. Perhaps there was a leak.

This debacle becomes Obama’s excuse to escalate to all out war. He will then send in his most upright soldiers (patriots, elite fighters), followed by the full strength of his nation, great wealth and supplies. Obama will empty the US armories, and ship vast food supplies to the front, during a famine. It seems Obama wants all of it GONE.

The scripture says Obama will send forth great multitudes. First the volunteers, then the draftees, then Daniel 11:14 says the prisons are opened and the “robbers of the people” are sent to the front, “but they shall fall” like the others before them, dead in the sand.

After all the soldiers are dead, he will decide that its time to lay siege to several cities. Everyone knows that if you want to WIN a war, siege is the FIRST thing you do. And Daniel 8 tells us that Obama will launch a massive air assault at the END - AFTER all the supplies are depleted and the soldiers are dead. That should be the FIRST thing you do. But Obama’s not want to WIN – rather to destroy his OWN country, America “which by his hand shall be consumed.”

So, Here’s a tip. Don’t Join The Military. Don’t take Trumps Covid Back Pay offer. When you ship out, you aint never coming back. There will be few men left, leaving the US defenseless against invasion. Stay out of the fighting, all of it. Keep your family alive, find the people you can trust, find Gods kingdom, build it and strengthen it - And LIVE to fight the AntiChrist.

Obama Violates Treaty with China

Even after all this, Obama is not finished yet. He still has one major task to take care of. After wasting America’s militarily defense capability, he’s now ready to provoke war with China. Ground troops are finished, but the Navy is still afloat. So, this is how he will do it.

Daniel 11:18 says that after the Iran war has ended, Obama will initiate an unprovoked attack on the islands of the sea. This means a major Naval war attacking the territory in China’s periphery. By the time our Navy is done for, He will have taken MANY islands, then he will withdraw. The purpose of this war is not to damage China, but to violate the Treaty, and provide a clear justification for China to attack the US.

As Obama’s war against China commences, Trump will be the voice of opposition, against this war, against endless wars, and against Obama. The whole nation will side with Trump, and detest Obama. Once again Trump’s popularity will soar.

But Obama has fulfilled his assignment. China will prepare for a major retaliatory attack against America. The treaty has been violated so Nuclear and Bio Attacks are all on the table. Verse 19 says that Obama will turn his face back to America, where he will die. Ezras Eagle tells us that the First Eagle Head will die in pain in his bed.

2-Esdras 12: 26 the great (eagle) head … shall die upon his bed, and yet with pain. 27 For the two that remain shall be slain with the sword. 28 For the sword of the one shall devour the other: but at the last shall he fall through the sword himself.

Hillary Kills Trump, God Kills Hillary

Next, verse 20 tells us that as Trump ascends to the Head of the New World Order, he will immediately proceed to rebuild THIS nation, to Make America Great Again. He will raise taxes to restore the glory of the kingdom.
But Hillary is next in line, and she has other plans. She prefers Trump dead. Within a few days, according to the prophecy, Trump will die NOT in anger or in battle. Ezras eagle makes it clear that Hillary, the third eagle head will pull the trigger.

After killing Trump, suddenly Hillary is now happily in charge of the New World Tyranny, based in Washington DC - but not for long. What happens next was described by Ezra. In the vision The Deep State is brought before Christ Alive in Judgement. Most people are judged sometime after death, but not the Deep State. At the pronouncement of Christ, Hillary dies as the Eagle Body is burned. This is the destruction of Washington DC. This is the 4th Horseman, the Destruction of Babylon described in excruciating detail in Revelation 17-18, Isaiah 46-47, Jeremiah 50-51. Please read these chapters.

This event is Barak Obama’s parting gift to America, delivered posthumously. Its the Chinese Bio Attack on Washington DC and the East Coast. Its not Covid. It’s a genuine Plague, passed through physical contact, having a 50% kill rate within 12 hours. This will wipe out DC and other east coast cities as described in biblical prophecy. Washington DC and nearby cities become instantly uninhabitable with bodies piling up. Those who live will wish to die, or try to leave the city in droves, even on foot. This plague will continue to spread rapidly westward across the nation and beyond.

The AntiChrist Appears

Babylon will be destroyed, virtually in one day, then The AntiChrist will metaphorically rise from its Ashes. How do we know this? Its indicated in several scriptures. Please look at Rev 14:8, John sees an angel declaring that Babylon is Fallen, then another angel follows warning NOT to take the mark - indicating the AntiChrist shows up right after the Fall of Babylon. But even greater evidence is to be found in the words of Daniel.

Daniel 7:8 “I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.”

This prophecy states that the AntiChrist will kill The First Three Horns, which are the Three Eagle Heads, Obama, Trump and Hillary, after which he will take power. With the Deep State out of the way, and these three horns dead in rapid succession, a political power vacuum will be created allowing the AntiChrist to seize political control of the New World Order, by stealth, with no resistance.

Daniel 11 v21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries… v23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small (number of) people.”

Daniel 11:21 states that the AntiChrist steps into power after the China attack. In addition, verse 23 says he shall take over with a small number of people. These remaining Horns (image) will deliver their power, and their following to the AntiChrist, unanimously endorsing him as the new political leader of the New World Order - to be hailed as the Messiah, the one who will finally bring peace, and justice, and miracles, and free food and free money – but not for long.

What follows are earthquakes that will reshape the earth, the calamities of the trumpets and vials, massive invasions, as Gods people are purified to meet him. These are the events seen by all of the prophets, and you get to live through it.

If this narrative helps you to see, and prepare, and survive the refiners fire - then it is serving God’s purpose.
PART3 is coming soon, from the AntiChrist to the Second Coming, and everything in between.