Each Sign has Specific Meaning

This is a SIGN in the heavens above. It’s also a MARK on the earth beneath. But it’s not the only one. I will talk about FOUR of them, in the sun, in the stars and on the earth. Heavenly Signs contain the mystery of God’s plans for the future.

Each sign has a very specific meaning about the last days. Eclipse Trivia means nothing. The signs in the heavens work like a clock. They define the timetable. The Word of God will define their meaning. Together they provide a clear picture of WHATS COMING NEXT.

The first three of these signs together constitute a seven-year warning that began in the Fall of 2017, with the first Eclipse across America. But do you remember? that immediately after that, On September 23rd, TWO more last days signs were given - the Sign of the Woman in Travail, AND the Sign of the Dragon, as described in Revelation 12, promised by God as a SIGN that WE are in, the end times.

So here we are, seven years later. Times Up. The warning has run its course. Spoiler Alert. What it all means is that God’s Judgment is coming, and it begins in America. By the end of 2024 the prophetic dominoes will begin to fall, America will change for the worse - and the hidden meaning of these heavenly signs, will become your new reality.

So here is a snapshot of the four Signs and their meanings. First they are seen in the heavens, then they will materialize on the earth.

#1 Eclipse over the Heartland - it’s a seven year warning, of famine, the third horseman.
#2 Sign of the Woman in Travail - the beginning of sorrows, the tribulation, wars and famine. The birth pains have started, and cannot be stopped.
#3 Sign of the Dragon, the Beast - with seven heads, ten horns. The US government will morph into the New World Order, and the war in heaven will make its way to earth.
#4 Eclipse over the Red Sea - these are not warnings. They mark specific key events that will happen in the very season of these signs, in the fall of 2027 and the spring of 2034.

God’s intention for these signs and the prophecies is for you to know in advance, exactly what’s coming. The starting point is Revelation Chapter 12 where the Signs in the Heavens are explained by God.
Answers from God

For instance, these signs will reveal the identity of the Beast, and its origin, the prophetic meaning that the Woman was given two wings of a great eagle, and that the serpent attacks the woman in the wilderness, when are the Seals to be Opened, and the Horsemen released, what about the Trumpets and Vials, what is prophetic time, Why does the JST change 1,260 days, to 1,260 years. What about the Red Sea eclipses, When will Zion be fulfilled, When will Christ appear to the world, in the Clouds…

Signs in the Heavens are a precise and specific warning from God. What value is a warning that cannot be interpreted or understood? God has clarified the meaning of these signs, along with answers to all of these related questions. Its a Gift. A heavenly roadmap, from where we are today, connecting the dots, all the way to the second coming.
1260 Day/Year Conundrum

To make sense of the Signs in the Heavens, one must understand prophetic time. We can start by considering the 1260 days mentioned Revelation 12:6.

Rev12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

That’s 1,260 days. No problem. That shows up everywhere in scripture. Its 42 months. The 3.5 year reign of the AntiChrist. So why in the heck does the JST change this reference to 1260 Years. If you dig around, no one can explain it. Church lesson manuals and expert commentaries just skip right past it, as if its not there. NO explanation.

Here’s the good news. This tiny change is a VITAL KEY to the mysteries of the last days. But we’re going to take this in steps, so lets BEGIN with the most basic observation. This change proves that in God’s prophetic time “days represent years”. This is supported by Ezekiel 4:6 which states "I have appointed thee each day for a year.” Also in the 70 weeks of Daniel (Daniel 9:24), where 490 prophetic days, plays out as 490 years on the earth. Thus when it comes to Prophecy, One Day to God, is One Year to Man.

So here’s the hard pill. Apocalyptic timeline interpretations get messed up when using the 1Day=1,000 years time scale. That’s great for the creation and for history, looking at what God has done in the rearview, but when it comes to prophecy, the forward view of time, God uses a different time scale. 1Day=1,000 years does NOT fit.

Half Hour of Silence in Heaven, is Seven Days

So, Lets rethink a different Sign in Heavens to see how this works. In Revelation 8:1 we have “silence in heaven about the space of half an hour”. This is a Heavenly Sign that occurs at the Opening of the Seventh Seal before the calamities begin. PLUS there is a SECOND half hour of silence AFTER the calamities, just before Christ appears.

D&C 88:95 there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour; and immediately after… the face of the Lord shall be unveiled.

If you try to work in the 1,000 year time scale, a half hour of silence comes to 21 years. Two of them is 42 years, and you still have to jam in the middle, all of the Trumpets and Vials, five months of insane Locust/Scorpions, 100lb hailstones falling all over the place, stuff like Wormwood, zombies from the bottomless pit, a cross continent invasion by 200 million soldiers, the two witnesses for 3.5 years, then there’s Armageddon, and the list goes on. Add all this up and the Seventh Seal will take about 50 years, when Jesus himself said it will be cut short in righteousness. So the math does NOT hold water.

Now, using the prophetic time scale of 1Day=1Year, “a half-hour” in heaven, translates to seven days on earth. One-week of silence, before the wrath of God is spilled out, resulting in the death of billions of people. Then with the pronouncement “It Is Finished”, another week of silence, before Jesus Christ descends in the clouds. During this time the violence will end, and men will have time to contemplate what they have become. Nothing will compete or distract from the singular focus of all eyes on the Savior at his coming.

What does this mean? Prophetic events are understood on a 1day = 1year time scale. The 1000 year principle does not apply. A bit later we’ll address the Seven Seals, and the Four Horsemen, with this NEW light and understanding.

Wings of an Eagle, Church & Beast

But for now let’s return our focus back to Revelation 12, in verse 14 where it talks about “Wings of an Eagle” This is where a new connection can be found between the Sign of the Woman and the Sign of the Beast.
Rev12:14 to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished...

What does this mean? As we connect the dots, the phrase “Wings of an Eagle” also shows up in Daniel, as he is speaking of the four beasts, in Chapter 7. Its about the last days. It’s not about ancient Rome, or Greece or Babylon. Daniel is shown a Lion, a Bear and a Leopard, followed by #4 this monstrosity. This is the same beast seen by John the Revelator. It’s also the same beast seen by the prophet Ezra, but it is shown to him in the form of an Eagle. That’s a hint.

So here’s the connection. In Daniel Chapter 7 verse 4 it reads, “The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings: I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made stand upon the feet as a man, and a man's heart was given to it.”

Put the pieces together. The Eagle Wings were taken from the lion and given to the Woman. The Lion is Great Britain, the Eagle is America, created by God for the Church to be nurtured and prospered, free from the tyranny of the old world, and to set the course for the last days.

Daniel saw that the Eagle will stand up on its own, and it will be given the heart of a man. That means its corruptible. The heart of that Eagle will become the Deep State, and wreak havoc all over the world. This Eagle started off as America the Beautiful. Its already Babylon, and Soon it will become this horrible monster - at the end of 2024. Buckle up.
Heads of the Beast, NW0 Nations

In Revelation 12, john describes the beast as having Seven Heads. Well this beast has its own head, with 10 horns. And it has 7 other heads, not seen in this image. So let’s start counting heads and see what we come up with. One is the Lion which is Great Britain. Second is America. Third is the Bear which is Russia restored to its former USSR greatness, and the 4 headed Leopard is China with its additional territories (see those 4 stars?). That’s a total of Seven Heads.

Remember, the Beast is a parasite on America. It has its own head, and its own horns, ten of them. The Beast will soon destroy its host, and move on.

Just like Daniel, John also affirms how the Beast is made up, in Chapter 13 verse 2 – “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion”

I think we can read the tea leaves on this one. When the Beast appears, the global map will be re-aligned under treaties that will establish the NW0. Many territories and nations will be ceded to China and to Russia. This will happen immediately after the events described in the Ezras Eagle Prophecy. These are NOT treaties of peace. It’s how the New World Order will spread out the killing, and that’s when wars will begin, which is the second horseman, then famine, which is the third horseman.

Well maybe the NW0 is not so bad is the US is at the top of it. It doesn’t work out like that. Prophecies reveal the destiny of these nations. In Daniel 7:11 “I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. 12 As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away: yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time.”

In a nutshell this is what it says. This #4 Beast, America, will self-destruct under the control of these three Eagle Heads, with encouragement from the AntiChrist. After America is out of commission, the life of these other three beasts is extended for a bit longer, That’s primarily China and Russia, which under the AntiChrist will eagerly participate in the final destruction and looting of America. Finally they will all roll forward to the battle of Armageddon. But as you know it does not go well for them, resulting in the end of all nations.

Babylon, Ten Horns, Iron+Clay

America is Babylon. In the old days when God’s people misbehaved, Babylon swooped in to wipe them out. Now God’s people ARE Babylon. We built Babylon and live in it. So today, Babylon must destroy itself. Thats whats coming. It will start in late 2024, when the US Government transforms itself into the NW0. It will proceed to destroy America, in an attempt to destroy Christianity, to eliminate resistance for when the AntiChrist appears.

Babylon or not, why would America destroy itself. You need to know the enemy here. Check the journal of Joseph Smith. In a discussion with a Jewish Minister about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Joseph Smith wrote “The feet of the Image, is the government of these United States” By the way, those 10 toes of iron and clay, are the same as the 10 horns of the Beast. They Run the New World Order.

So whats with the Iron and Clay? Clay is human, so Iron must be something not human. Lets just take a wild stab and try Nephilim. Good Guess. Matter of fact, Daniel 2:43 says regarding this iron and clay thing, that mixing of seed is going on. That means funny business blending Human with Not Human. That’s a no-no. There are only a couple places in the Old Testament where mixing of seed is discussed. Nephilim. They hate humans. Want them all dead. They used to be giants, now they prefer to blend in. You THINK the US government is filled with incompetent morons. That’s the clay part, front men, hand crafted by the AntiChrist to draw you in. The iron part, that’s something else.

If you need more convincing, check out this dream by Glenn Beck.

If this sounds like too much, you may have difficulty when the bottomless pit is opened to release all sorts creatures that you did not expect. You may be one who’s hearts will fail them. (image Luke 21:26)

Red Sea Eclipse

Ok quick review - from Revelation 12 we learn that the Sign of the Woman is about the Church and the founding of America. The Sign of the Beast is what America will become in 2024, according to the trigger events described in Ezras Eagle. So that leads to the next question - how does all of that connect to the Red Sea Eclipse, in 2027 and 2034.

I took this question to God a few weeks ago and this is what he said. Start with 1260 years, and check the founding dates for the United States. I said, you mean 1776? And he replied “Check the founding dates.” A few clicks later the whole thing made sense.

The date that the Eagle broke free from the Lion, and stood up on its own, was not 1776. It was 1774 at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. It was then, that elected representatives from the colonies gathered, debated and voted to secede from Great Britain. They put George Washington in charge of the army, and prepared for war. A few months later came The Shot Heard Round The World, and the revolutionary war began.

So here’s the math. Christ will nurture his church for 1260 years. Start with 1774, add 1,260, that’s the year 3034. Subtract the Millenium and you get 2034. That’s the year of the final Red Sea Eclipse, which marks the beginning of the Millennium, when the waiting is over, as the Savior returns for all to see, in the Clouds.

How did that happen? We could stop there. But Why? With such a singular vital piece of information pinned down with prophetic certainty, we MUST continue to FURTHER unravel the Signs in the Heavens and their mysteries, to see what we can learn.

Its 2034. Stop Apologizing.

Meanwhile, as soon as you dare to name a DATE, someone in the crowd deflects with “but no one knows the day or the hour…”. please don’t offend the Devil. Haven’t you heard? Its the last days. The Savior is coming. Anyone who is NOT eagerly seeking the face of the Lord, and the TIME of his coming, is trying to hide. The scriptures make it clear. 

D&C 45:44 he that watches NOT for me, shall be cut off.

Rev21:8 the fearful and unbelieving will be cast into the lake of fire: that’s the second death.

If you need a Sign, its already here. The millennium begins in 2034, Antichrist destroyed, Christ victorious, mount of olives, second coming in the clouds, its all in 2034. ?but no one knows? Except Daniel. He was told exactly to the day, to count the days. 45 days after the cleansing of the temple, Christ will appear. And after 7 days of Silence, Christ will appear.

Are you saying that no one knew BACK THEN? Maybe. On this subject God said, that in the end times knowledge would increase. God IS telling us today, through the Signs in the Heavens, which you will not see if you keep your head in the sand. But remember, THAT excuse… “no one knows” it wont work at the marriage supper. Show up unprepared, and you’ll hear the words, “I never knew you”

2024 – Three Signs Come Due

Now lets return all the way back to 2024, when THREE signs in the heavens have come due, together. The warning is passed. Whatever it is that God is trying to foretell, will soon become YOUR reality. By now you know the pattern. This One means Famine. This One means Tribulation, which means war and famine, and This One’s about the war in heaven coming to earth. Hopefully there is NO uncertainty about what it means.

How all of these events will unfold in 2024, is explained in a one hour video at Nuclear911.com. So I will not go through ALL of those details here. Only to point out that according to prophecy, some very familiar faces will take DOWN the US government, and bring UP the New World Order, to make war with the saints.

Judgment has been pronounced. According to God’s decree, America is on a steep path to its own downfall, iced over with strong delusion for those who wish to drink the Kool-Aid. The nation has rejected God, with laws and policies, and a SOCIAL ORDER that is contrary to God’s will. If in your patriotic zeal, you are ALL-IN to save America, from God’s Judgment, so you can Make America Great Again… you might wish to re-evaluate who’s side you are on. Or maybe you hate America, want to see it destroyed so you can Build Back Communist. If you cannot find the better path, you WILL find yourself caught in the middle of an orchestrated self-destruction, running for about 2.5 years.

The 2nd Horseman

Civil war in the US will be fomented by the government, and by the deep state, and by the media. This is not an easy thing to do, but their efforts will be relentless. This is destruction crafted from the inside. An endless stream of false flag terror operations, bombings and shootings. Depending on your choice of media, these will simultaneously be blamed on the Radical Leftists, and the Christian Haters, or the immigrants, or any other boogeyman that exists in your mind - to draw you into the fight against… anyone. This artificial tension will be raised to the point that Government must call in NW0 troops, peacekeepers, to save America from itself. This will give them a running head start for what’s coming later.

That’s the home front. While all of that is going on in the US, across the globe, US military might will be intentionally wasted in a badly executed war in Iran, It will be called the Patriot Meatgrinder, and it will continue until as a nation we are defenseless. As it says in Isaiah 24:6. “few men left.” Which means few patriots left to fight the AntiChrist when he arrives.

Part Two of the Nuclear911 series coming soon, will describe how this war will unfold, in exhaustive detail from the scriptures.

The 3rd Horseman

All of that is how the 2nd Horseman escalates, while at the same time the Third Horseman is released. Of course its marked by the eclipse, corner to corner over the most productive farmland in the world. And if you havent figured it out by now, it will be a Man Made Famine. Ever since the release of the First Horseman in 2020, the Deep State has been disrupting the food supply chain. It’s a pipeline and they have been messing around with the middle of that pipeline, blowing up food processing plants. But America has proven to be very resilient. So NEXT, they’re gonna shut down both ENDS of the pipeline. A false flag Nuclear event on the east coast, will also reach out to hit various locations across the farm belt. Underground nukes will be detonated in their silos, in corn fields, at some military bases, and other remote locations to be blamed on the enemy du jour.

For the Deep State Its Go Time… Unfortunately, due to the threat of nuclear contamination, and for YOUR safety, the government will burn all the crops, and all the fields, and farms, and equipment, and grain towers full of grain, and the cattle, across the midwest, and prohibit their future use, indefinitely. They will not disturb the bugs, to be the only approved radioactive food source. Then to collapse the consumer end of the pipeline, they will Simultaneously enact wartime food rationing, after they first empty the shelves through the back door, as they blame it on the hoarders.

So the familiar days of unlimited access to low-cost food storage, will be over, in one day. As said by John 9:4 we are entering a time of darkness, THEN the night comes, when NO man can prepare.

But today, its NOT too late. For just a bit longer, you could sell a vehicle that you don’t need (image expensive cars), and buy food storage that you WILL need, or OTHERS will need. Maybe enough food to fill up that empty space in your garage. But very soon, this window of opportunity will turn to smoke.

2027 Eclipse, Events following

Well, we’re still on the signs in the Heavens, so lets roll forward to the Red Sea. If 2034 marks the second coming, what’s the first eclipse in that region in August of 2027. THESE eclipses are NOT a warning. Everything will already be in motion, no more warnings required. They will mark actual key events in their season. Beginning in August of 2027 five key events will occur back-to-back in rapid succession, within a few months. These events are of worldwide significance, but they will not take place in the Eastern Hemisphere.

1. The cleansing of the church. I will cover that in a minute.
2. The destruction of Babylon, the fourth seal, the 4th Horseman, the burning of Ezras Eagle, the destruction of the US government and the monetary system. This will happen in one hour, prophetic time. That’s two weeks. It will be a bio attack and plague that depopulates Washington DC. Suddenly, the wars will pause.
3. Adam-ondi-Ahman will occur attended only by the prophets and leaders of the dispensations, then the Church of the Firstborn will be established on the earth, personally by Jesus Christ to initiate the gathering of the 144,000.
4. AntiChrist appears. He will step into the power vacuum to take control by stealth, assisted by the remaining 10 horns. He will claim credit for bringing peace. He will persuade gently for “1 year, 1 month and 1 day” before he calls in 200M soldiers to kill everyone who was dumb enough to take the mark.
5. The Fifth Seal will be opened, which is the resurrection of the martyrs. This will be fulfilled in one hour. Take your family for a picnic at the graveyard, and you might witness a spectacular event.

All of this in the second half of 2027 should be a very exciting time.

2028, The Sixth Seal

But it doesn’t end there, the excitement continues in Q1 2028 when the Sixth Seal will be opened, and massive earthquakes will reshape the land. Bad news for California, and where X marks the spot, at the New Madrid fault. It will be washed clean. Plus many other areas in the western hemisphere will be badly affected.

This national disaster will be used by the Antichrist, under the guise of humanitarian aid, to bring in the army of “insane Locust Scorpions” described in Revelation 9, which will not kill, but oppress men for five months, before the killing starts. More about this when we cover the Trumpets and Vials in a minute.

At this point God will facilitate the gathering of the144,000, which means 12,000 from each tribe. All of the 12 tribes must be present and accounted for. Well, the tribe of Judah – got that covered. And the tribe of Benjamin merged with Judah long ago. But the other 10 tribes, ALL of them were lost and scattered around 700 BC. If God has THIS figured out already, perhaps he is just not telling us, yet.

So here’s the inside scoop. John the Revelator will be given the assignment to initiate this gathering. This is the Little Book given to John, as described in Revelation 10. The unwritten Seven Thunders of Revelation 10 are the prophetic account of this process. The earthquakes of the sixth seal will reshape the earth to open paths for the gathering of the lost tribes in a miraculous way. The Seven Thunders will describe the heroic and almost supernatural intervention of the lost tribes, to defend Zion and defeat the AntiChrist in the west.

Pastor Dana Coverstone saw a dream about this, which is posted in this channel.

Trumpets and Vials, the Calamities

A few months later, perhaps as early as Q2 of 2028, the Seventh Seal will open. After a half-hour of silence, the calamities of the Trumpets will be unleashed in the West. According to Rev8:7 these are Gods judgment of the third part. That does NOT mean 33%. Those in the third part are the unrepentant. Deceived by the Antichrist. Those who have taken the mark. The purpose of these calamities is to bring the unrepentant to repentance, or to their death.

As the Trumpets play out, the AntiChrist is doing his worst in the West. At the same time the righteous are gathered to safety, to cities of light, or to Zion – this will include innumerable hosts of the righteous from all nations, all languages, gathering as they struggle though the tribulation, under Gods protection.

Zion will become the earthly habitation of Jesus Christ in the year 2030. Many Christians in the West have sensed that their struggle will end in 2030. Its true. In Revelation Chapter 15 John sees Zion in its finished form, the righteous gathered in, victorious over the AntiChrist, at the city of Zion in the west, described as a Sea of Glass. This marks the End of the Western tribulation, the completion of the first six Trumpets, and the Beginning of the Vials.

But the Seventh and Final Trumpet is withheld for 3.5 years as the Seven Vials are poured out next, in the East, during the 42 months of tribulation at the hands of the AntiChrist. This leads all the way to the battle of Armageddon, and the finish in 2034.

Armageddon, Twice

But this brings up the question of Revelation 9, John describes the invasion of the insane Locust Scorpions, followed by a war of unimaginable proportions. Is that Armageddon? Nope. This is part of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets in the West. Here’s the bad news folks, Revelation 9 is the final destruction of America, under the rule of the AntiChrist. It comes in stages.

The Fifth Trumpet. This will begin in Q3 of 2028, after things have settled down from the earthquakes of the Sixth Seal that started in Q1 of 2028. These natural disasters will hit hardest in the western hemisphere. Because the AntiChrist is such swell guy, he will order up a massive expansion of NW0 troops, already here for peacekeeping, this time to bring and distribute vast humanitarian aid under martial law, courtesy of the New World Order. This will be hand delivered by the mechanized armies of China and Russia.

I can hear it now, “I aint fallin for that, imma get my gun”

Please try to understand that by the time this comes around, the US has pretty much ceased to exist. The people will be in pretty bad shape. Not much of a fighting spirit. earthquakes and a plague, after three years of famine, and civil war, the US military left for dead in Iran, prisons opened, police defunded, anarchy and lawlessness, the government collapsed, the dollar is wallpaper… You will be in a rather desperate condition, willing to take whatever the AntiChrist is offering. So in the fall of 2028, foreign armored military vehicles will deploy and occupy this nation.

These ARE the insane Locust Scorpions of Revelation Chapter 9, described by John as follows:

1. Like horses prepared unto battle, as the sound of chariots
2. Faces as the faces of men (crew)
3. Hair as the hair of women (camo netting)
4. Mouths issuing fire, smoke & brimstone
5. Breastplates of iron (armor plated)
6. Tails like scorpions, stings in their tails. power is in their mouth and in their tails, which are like serpents having heads (turret gunner)
7. Teeth as the teeth of lions (track teeth)
8. At first they will not kill, but rather torment people for 5 months (occupied forces)
9. Later joined by 200m soldiers to kill the 3rd part. Final invasion and destruction of America

Chapter 9 says these creatures wear their national colors on their breastplates. The colors of fire (yellow and red) or the colors of jacinth (which is red) and brimstone (which is yellow) Hmm sounds like flags of Red and Yellow.

The Sixth Trumpet is the second stage of this invasion. 200 million soldiers enter, China at the West coast, and Russia at the East Coast. This is not hard to believe as innumerable people have seen nightmarish visions of this. They will take over and then loot America, mercilessly, from sea to shining sea. This is Utter Destruction. What’s the lesson here? Just like the Jaredites, just like the Nephites, if God gives you the Promised Land and you turn against him, there will be nothing left of what was once a great nation, not a trace.

Armageddon pales in comparison to what is coming to America. But this time a remnant will remain, preserved by the hand of God, in places of safety, cities of light, where its people are prepared to meet the savior. It’s in these places that the constitution will survive, among the faithful.

The Seals Open, When?

Now, If you're one who thinks that the first six seals are ancient history, its all finished except the seventh seal - please listen. Or if you think that the seals and horsemen of ancient times were the main event, and what's coming in the last days, is a MINI version. Please listen.

It’s a familiar story. Its about a divine book, an ancient record, sealed away, but in the last days it is brought forth by the power of God, to be opened and revealed. Its NOT the Book of Mormon. It’s the Book with Seven Seals, described by John. It WAS sealed anciently, for each dispensation, but it is being OPENED today, specific tribulations, released into the world as tyranny, war, plagues, upheaval, and destruction as foretold for our time.

To make sure we get this right, lets compare D&C77, Revelation 5, and the words of Joseph Smith.
D&C77 informs us that anciently THE BOOK seen by John WAS SEALED, it was closed and it CONTAINS the HIDDEN things of former dispensations. THIS is Ancient History.

The Bible TELLS us that in the last days the Book will be OPENED, brought forth from the hand of God. The Seals will be LOOSED, then the Seals will be OPENED one by one. Judgments are RELEASED in the earth, which can be done only by the Risen Messiah. There is NO ambiguity. All Seals, One through Seven, are being opened TODAY, in rapid succession, before our eyes.

Even Joseph Smith had to renounce this very same false interpretation that still plagues the church today. In an 1843 conference talk, he Boldly DECLARED, the visions that John saw, were NOT scenes of ancient dispensations, thousands of years ago.

Can there be any doubt? ALL Seven Seals are being opened now. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, followed soon by Seals 5, 6 and 7. These ARE the signs of the times, as foretold by Jesus. You must NOT fail to recognize them.

For the sake of contrast, when these Seals were anciently Closed and Hidden, they were mini versions of what’s coming in our day. Lets take for example Famine. This originated back in the dispensation of Abraham, Joseph in Egypt, when the Third Seal was Closed and Hidden. Egypt was small, probably less than a couple million people, that’s about 1/10th the population of Zimbabwe. But all of Egypt was prepared, having acted on God’s warning. No one died. Egypt was blessed, and the entire house of Israel was preserved. In truth, it was a storybook happy ending.

Today, as the third horseman rolls out, it will affect 7 billion people, and it wont be happy. How many families are prepared, when nearly everyone lives paycheck to paycheck. Is the nation prepared? The Government once had a vast strategic grain reserve, but that was dumped 20 years ago. Jesus saw whats coming, and described it as the time of the greatest suffering since the earth was created.

Cleansing of the Church, Rev12

So, let there be no doubt. Miraculous and challenging days are ahead. And you should ask, Will you live to see any of this? That depends FIRST on whether or not you survive the cleansing of the church. Well, quite conveniently this is also described in the Final Words of Revelation 12. (image rev12)

The serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, to be carried away of the flood. Only those will remain, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Judgment is coming, and “upon my house shall it begin, First among those who have professed to know my name and have not known me.”

If this applies to you, you're toast. Do your actions in the dark defy your professed belief. God’s vengeance is swift. His judgment WILL BE MARKED by a sign in the heavens. That sign is the August 2027 eclipse over the Red Sea, where once a flood swept away the Armies of Pharaoh. In like manner the Church will be cleansed. The deceivers, or those who deceive themselves, and know Him not, will be swept away. It’s NOT a warning. That’s when judgment WILL be executed.

Not all who die on that day are under condemnation. According to God’s mercy, some of the righteous and the INNOCENT will pass, to be released from the coming hardship. This will include the President of the Church who WILL die in the flood, as written in Daniel 11:22. After a short while, the church will be reorganized in a miraculous manner. During this short time gap, while the keys and authority are not in force on the earth, that is when the AntiChrist will quietly seize power. This is according to prophecy as written in 2nd Thessalonians 2:7.


In the world today, God is gathering his army for the end times. Many persons are being spiritually course corrected. They are receiving an invitation to be among God’s army. If this is happening to you, and you respond, refine yourself, discipline yourself, embrace the change, and stay the course, God will multiply you. Yield your will to His. You will come to hear the Call OF Zion pounding in your brain. As the events of the last days unfold, you will NOT be a bystander. You will be given the opportunity to participate in God’s victory, either in life or in death. To prepare the way for the second coming of the Savior. You must be clean, help others, and build unity of faith. None will meet the savior at his coming by accident. It will come only to those who SEEK it, AND prepare.